Where can I buy 1800mm MakerSlide?

I’m trying to upgrade my 1000mm X-CARVE (2018 version) to 1000mm x 1800mm.
I am pretty sure Inventables used to sell a 1800mm MakerSlide (Clear Anodized, Not tapped) but cannot find it anymore on the website. Does anybody know where I can find it?

Thanks. -KC-

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been trying to accomodate the same (almost) upgrade. i have a plan to pull it off without 1800mm MS. but if you find any in the US, please let me know

I wonder if one could make a scarf joint between the two pieces? Cut on a good chop saw, you could probably get the same angles. Then some epoxy and connecting bolts to hold them together and fill any gaps.

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my plan is actually just a butt joint. Assuming that i can get the ends square (shouldn’t be hard to at least match the QC on my current pieces), drilling out the holes that are normally tapped to 5mm, then using 2 pieces of 5mm stainless or titanium rod as a dowel to connect the two. this should at least keep them coplanar. also included will be a wide stiffener to cover the joint with 4 screws on each side of the seam.

looking to buy 2 pieces of 750mm makerslide, and get up to 1750mm, forsaking the last two inches

Check with Luke at TBDCNC. I am pretty sure he has everything you would need.

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not shown on the site