Z axis tram plate

You drill out the router mounting holes to fit the eccentric spacers, 7.5 mm?. Place the mounting screws through the holes in the spacer and backplate and secure them with a nylock nut. Should have a mil or so of tram adjustment.
Have not quite worked out if you need 2 or all 4. I am installing my new Z-axis slide router mount Friday and planned to do this mod at that time.

I suppose you could do it to the backplate but that could be expensive if you mess it up. Router mount is way cheaper to replace.

Nod is something else.

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I did the mod yesterday but the snow here is keeping me in the house today. Seems to be good. The thing is I reused the existing holes for the router mount and drilled out one of the ones on the left side. I left the lower left one as a pivot point.

Any chance on posting a few pictures of what you did?

If it ever stops snowing, can’t get to my shop. Should be able to go tomorrow. A foot of snow in an area that gets on average 1-2 in per year. No plows, no road clearing, they only try on main roads so it’s up to you to get to the main road.

Ouch, where you located?

Seattle area. Predicting another foot tomorrow.

I think i saw something about that on the news. They said it was odd that you are getting as much snow as that.

Every 12 years or so they say, first time I’ve seen it.

I hear that. I got down to 28 below here a couple weeks ago and i have been here for 65 years and never seen it that cold.

The second round begins


The view this morning.

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I hate the snow and cold, but that is a beautiful view.

Suppose I should post some XCarve stuff.

Friday I installed:

The settings for the GRBL had to be changed:

$3 from 5 to 4 this inverts the direction
$102 from 94.85 to 252.854

Z stops at 10.00 mm when commanded to move 10 mm.

The screw is 16 turns to inch.

The eccentrics are all started in the neutral position and rotated in the same direction. I suppose you could do the same thing with just one and enlarge the holes for the other three but I’m afraid it might slip under load.

I don’t have a way to measure run out but my machinist square says it is at a dead 90 degrees to the waste board.
I had about ±1/2 mm of adjustment.

If anyone has any ideas how to measure this please post.

Haven’t c gotten to nod yet. Something about these sliders is they come with some unused holes that could be tapped for a couple of grub screw that’s can be used to adjust nod.

I’ll try it and post when it’s done.

I’ll bite.
What in the world is "nod’
I’ve been in the machine tool industry for only 48 years an have never heard that.

I have seen it here dozens of times. You may know it as pitch. The Z Axis is pitched from to back “nodding”.

Believe it is derived from nod your head. If there is a more correct term please enlighten us.

I’ve trammed in many mills over the years and have always referred to it as X Y Z.
Never too old to learn.

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Mostly see it used by UK posts.