Z axis closed belt broke

Ahhhh. I broke the belt for my Z-Axis (the small 6.5 inch closed loop). I looked on the Inventables parts page and could not find a replacement. They have a page for it but it appears that they don’t actually sell them

Where can I order a new one? I guess I should order two!

You could try here. This is the metric page, but they also have inch measurement pages.

Email the support team, I’m sure they should be able to help you.

OUCH! Bummer!

That is the one belt I always dreaded breaking… Hope Inventables got a quick fix for you Allen

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Looks like there’s some good info here, including part numbers and soforth:

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Thanks Dan and Angus, this part is a tough one to find. I am surprised that Inventables does not carry all the parts needed by the X-Carve.


Once again the customer service at Inventables has proven to be second to none!

A new Z belt just arrived form Inventables via UPS Next Day Air

Now I can get back to carving! The upside of a broken machine was I got to talk to my wife for a few hours

It was just for a few hours.


… and the nature of the conversation!

I said we talked, not that I was listening. I really need to work on that.


That’s what she said, right? :wink: