Hi, I watched your X-Carve introduction video and am very impressed by your attention to detail. I have a 3d printer and my newly purchased Shapeoko 2 should be a perfect companion. I have 3 questions where I would appreciate some help.
- I am assembling the z-axis and the stainless steel threaded rod is perfectly parallel to the extrusion under it. However I had to loosen the Delrin Lead nut by 3mm to get it to line up with the threaded rod. I can get or make a 3 mm shim and lock it down. Is this is a normal “adjustment?”
- I am concerned that I build the z-axis stepper motor on top of 3 stand off spacers. I know you changed to a belted arrangement on the x-carve. I am concerned that the standoffs are a potential weak point. Has anyone created a fix for the standoffs?
- Lastly, I want to use this with aluminum exclusively (building robot parts). I would like to include lubrication for the bit. Has anyone made this modification?
Thank you