I acquired a 1st gen X-Carve 1m x 1m and lead screw. I upgraded to the new gantry and x-controller. I designed in VCarve Pro 8.0 and used X-Carve mm as a post processor, and ran it through UGS. Everything is metric in the design, including bit size. I set my material size and cut depth (in 4 passes with tabs) to 6 mm. The actual cut is 10 mm. It is doing it consistently. I’ve read thru other posts about loose pulleys and found the set screws in the stepper and z drive tight, but I removed them and added loctite and re-installed. Using a ruler, I set Z at zero and raised it 20 mm through UGS. It went 33.92 mm. I zeroed my calipers and went another 20 mm and it went 33.75mm. Switching to inches, for each inch input, it went 1.66 inches.
I’m at a loss. Could the tooth count be wrong on the pulleys? Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
Check this video:
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SWEET. Thank you. Being new to CNC, and being old is a double whammy. Thanks to a great community of sharing
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