Yet another motor topic

When i got my xcarve it was a Shapeoko2 with Nema 17 motors… I still have those same motors, but want to upgrade to the Nema 23s. Since inventables seems to always be out of them I found some online, but am unsure if they will work properly with the gshield…

These are the motors I found…

They will work with the gShield.

Check the dimensions to see if they will fit (the Z axis could be a problem it they are too long).

Thanks for the reply…

It looks as if width and height they are almost identical, but these are much smaller in length… 56mm vs 76mm

@Michael5 Woah - did you see the 6mm shaft diamete on theser? That’s going to be a bit sloppy. If I remember correctly, you want 6.35mm shafts (1/4") for your pulleys. Unless your Nema 17’s were configured with 5mm shafts. Then, you’d be looking at getting new pullleys as well. Best to stick with 1/4" shafts.

Here you go:

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Thanks! I didn’t notice…

These are way way cheaper than the ones inventables sells also…

Interesting. The motors I got from Inventables were 51mm in length. I think there may be an issue with a 76mm motor, but the 56 mm should be ok (Z axis is the worry).

Even then, just flip the motor upside down on top using four spacers a spacer of your own design and it works quite well. I went with a large, triple stack nema 24 on my z to hoist my 7lb Hitachi router (but mostly because it was what I had on hand).

I used these when upgrading my X-Carve and they worked perfectly and are exactly what Inventables sells (when they are in stock) NEMA23 140oz/in 2.8A Stepper Motor ¼” Single shaft (KL23H251-28-4A) |