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Everything was running correctly so I know all of the wiring is correct but I wasn’t getting anything from the limit switches. After some research I found I needed to setup the limit switches in Easel Setup. I started the process of setting up the limit switches in Easel Setup and when the process got to the X and Y directions the gantry was moving Y positive so I clicked stop. Then clicked on “the machine is moving in the wrong direction” or whatever the option was and everything froze and I can no longer get past the “Yes, enable homing” screen on the limit switch setup. Clicking either option does nothing. I’ve restarted my browser and computer several times. Now when jogging the machine both positive and negative buttons for the Y direction result in the machine moving Y negative. The machine will not move Y positive unless turned off and manually moved by hand and UGS says Active State: Alarm and will not do anything.
Any suggestions to get the Y direction moving appropriately?
Replied to you through Easel’s messaging system as well about this. I would double check that the gshield is seated completely on the arduino, and go over your wiring making sure every connection is solid. I had this same issue when first setting up my machine. Worked for a little while, then the X moved the same direction whether I was trying to move left or right. Re-did a couple suspect wiring connections and re-seated the gshield, and then it actually wouldn’t move at all! Did it again more carefully and then it started working correctly and has been fine since.
The problem ended up being the gshield not fully seated with the arduino. Unfortunately the metal case that holds the arduino prevents the gshield from being fully seated due to the pins for the limit switches. So I just need to cut out a larger opening on the metal housing to allow clearance for the limit switch pins.
I noticed the same thing, but, on mine, the connections were fine. There should also be a bigger opening somewhere so that you can visually confirm that the board is seated properly.