I received my X-Controller .last week and assembled it, this weekend I attempted to calibrate the steps/mm for X and Y. In the process of doing this I’d move the head to a point on a tape measure, then instruct the machine to move X +600mm and notice the offset of about 1mm. Then I’d instruct the machine to move X-600mm, but found that it missed the original location by about 1mm. Now I’d expect that even if the steps/mm was off, moving a given amount and then the same amount back would return it to its original position, so something else must be going on here. I didn’t hear any jerkiness in the machine’s motion and it seems fairly repeatable.
I don’t know for sure whether this actually has anything to do with the X-Controller or not, might have been the case before I upgraded, not sure.
Has anyone seen anything like this? What did you do about it?