PhilJohnson did I refer to you or anyone other then robert as a fanboy no because he was the only one to get on his high horse as is the usual for online trolls who would say nothing face to face and as you can see I have no problem taking advice from those generous enough to help out without going on the attack. ps fan boys never help they are always to busy being jerks because someone said something they don’t like about whatever it is they are fan boy overing
should do you just read it
so bypassing the front usb connector hasn’t worked, inventables is sending me a new USB Bulkhead Cable and a PCB X-Controller Controller, which is great but in the mean time that’s more money and work lost, the worst part being that I am meant to be making a plaque for a woman that recently lost her 11 year old son and all I can give her is excuses about machinery issues, so yeah am really not happy and those that cant understand that can go take a flying leap. to those that have helped and offered suggestions thank you very much
When I flashed my Xcontroller firmware to version 1.1, my carvings would stop; sometimes they wouldn’t even start. I’m going to go back to 1.0c tonight and see if that helps.
You didn’t mention, but did provide a screen shot of UGS, have you tried running the carve in Easel? Is it the same behavior in both?
can run in easel, bad net connection in shed