Hey All,
I’m in the middle of assembling my 1000mm X-Carve and thought I’d share the cut-list and design for the bench I built.
Frame built with 2x4s and screws.
48" x 48" MDF for the top (3/4").
Here’s a video with dimensions built in:
Cut List:
41" (4)
48" with 45 degree ends (4)
43" (4)
37.5" (2)
41.5" (5)
40" (8)
shelf mounting braces (4)
Jeff Robinson
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Video gives an error message
No video with supported format and MIME type found
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It’s a pretty standard H264 QuickTime. I’ll have to look into the format guidelines for this forum and re-up. Thanks for letting me know.
Can someone in charge of the forum provide some guidelines for video formatting here? It would be great to share my design!
Video link updated above. Someone let me know if it works will ya?
Doesn’t work for me. I get a blank photobucket page.
Running Firefox 38.6 with AdBlocker and Ghostery