Hey Everyone,
When I started looking at CNC options I came down to a choice between the MPCNC and the X-Carve. I posted questions on a couple of forums looking for input on which one to buy.
In the end I went with the MPCNC. Not the best decision I have ever made…
As the proud owner of a new X-Carve that I am LOVING I have one question… Anyone want to buy an MPCNC machine…
The X-Carve is MUCH more rigid and accurate. I am able to run higher feed rates and get cleaner carves.
It is just so much more solid and stable.
The X-Carve build documentation has some rough spots. I am not the sharpest tool in the woodshop but I managed to get it built and producing usable projects quicker than the MPCNC. Mostly because when I was done with the build IT WORKED! Minor tweaks but no major issues.
I bought the 750 machine. After using it for a few days I have to ask: where is the 750x1000 version?
I want a wider machine that will (almost) fit on a 25" deep counter and still give me 30+ inches of X workspace.
I wanted to throw this out there in case there is another newbie with similar questions.
Take care.