X-Carve path goes off!

Hi, I’m new to the X-Carve machine.
Now, I’m working on cutting a square.
I have succesfully cut one square frame without problems,
but now X-Carve machine always goes off the path at certain point.

As you see the photo above, the most above line there, that’s the starting line.
From there, the bit goes right to left, left to bottom, bottom to right bottom, and path goes off when bit goes right bottom to right top. when it’s about to complete square, it doesn’t go all the way up to make a complete square. I don’t know what the problem is.
I don’t think this is the problem of Easel settings because, I have successfully cut out one square
without problems like an hour ago. But I’m not sure why now this machine gives me path off with settings are same like before.
Please give me a hand and lemme know how to fix this.
Thanks in advance, cheers!


I’m cutting 12mm thick MDF, and my cutting settings were Feed Rate: 1100mm/Min, Plunge Rate: 228.6mm/Min, and Depth per Pass:3mm.

Now I changed this setting less aggressive, Feed Rate: 1000mm/Min, Plunge Rate: 228.6mm/Min, and Depth per Pass: 1.6mm.
It looked better than before, still had some issues. But it was bearable path off.
But all of sudden, bit went to unexpected route that I didn’t even intend to cut.
Here is the my drawing and results.
16 PM

There’s the line above the most bottom line that I didn’t intend to cut.
The machine made a weird rough sound and went like that.
I urgently turned off the machine.
Should I lower the settings more? Or these are the other problems?

Loosing steps. Check pulleys belts wheels. And motor currant.

It is missing steps (signalled steps from the controller that the motor for some reasen were unable to do)

This can be due to something mechanical slipping (pulleys on shafts) or underpowered motors or too aggressive cut rate. What happens if you do a much less aggressive cut? (Slower cut rate, less depth per cut)

What do you mean loosing steps?
You mean loose the step motors?
Should I tighten the pulleys, betls, and wheels?
When I check the motor current, what volt should be the proper?
Thanks for the reply!

What is the missing steps?

I’m now cutting 12mm thick MDF.

My very first cutting settings were Feed Rate: 1100mm/Min, Plunge Rate: 228.6mm/Min, and Depth per Pass:3mm.
And Now I lower the settings to Feed Rate: 1000mm/Min, Plunge Rate: 228.6mm/Min, and Depth per Pass: 1.6mm
So, now this gives me a more proper square that I wanted, but still has some path issues.
Now, I’m starting to think path problem occured because of aggressive Feed Rate and Depth. But this still leaves me wondering because I was able to cut one square very successfuly with cutting settings of Feed Rate: 1100mm/Min, Plunge Rate: 228.6mm/Min, and Depth per Pass:3mm.
Any idea about this?

Thanks so much!

Thanks, I changed the bit and it worked great. But it went out the path again. I should search things up! thanks!