I’m 3 months into being an X-Carve owner. During that time I’ve picked up on some tips and resources that have made a world of difference in my experience. I’ve create a website to share those learnings and resources. If you are like me, new to X-Carve and CNC, you may find this site useful.
All good info that I’ve gleaned from reading through the forums, but great to have it in a single spot. Thanks.
looks great and straightforward
definitely nice to have everything in one place for a beginner.
Phil has a tremendous wealth of info as well;
It would be good to incorporate squaring the machine overall as well.
As a noob, I love what you have. I would suggest to add:
and i would love it if we could somehow compile a chart for bits, bit feed rates, speeds and material; because if i ever try and cut anything that the Easel does not have something recommend, i am pretty much out of luck.
Site looks amazing!!
Perfect! Thanks, Jeffrey. I’ll add your chart to a page. And yes, I agree. Would love to have a single destination page with someone who can layout everything bits. Would be so helpful to all of us noobs.
OK, Bit Chart Page added.
While I’m not quite a noob. I appreciate you doing this.
Thanks, Curtis.
I am a huge fan of tape and glue. You might want to look into this as I feel it is a large step up from the foam tape. No residue and no slight squirming like the foam tape. Get a small tube of super glue and some masking tape and give it a try. Accelerator speeds up the process but not mandatory. Just let it sit for 20 seconds or so and go.
Hello Frank
Thank you, very useful. I have a question about the triquetra tool you mention on your site. It’s not clear at all for me. I understand the help for zeroing but you still have to align eyeball the plate, so instead of aligning the bit, you have to align the plate? The video is not clear at all, and the website doesn’t give any explanation on how it works or has to be aligned.
Thank you Phil for the answer, but i went to the website and didn’t found explanation on how it works. Just a video where you see the plate put on the board with no explanation on how it is set.
Thank you for the tip. Added that video to the page as another option. Going to give it a try myself!
Heads up on the paint mask, looks like its oramask 813 not the 631. Didnt know if you wanted to update that or not.
The Oracal 631 is what I’ve been using from Amazon.
Thanks so much for the effort & sharing this!
Which is fine. It’s not the intended purpose but it works.
Oramask is another option and might be slightly cheaper than 631. I just paid $40 shopped for a 10 yard roll of 30” wide Oramask. Most of the normal 631 is like a 5 yard roll of 12” wide for like $15.
On the Oramask, is it sticky on one side and you just stick it evenly to the wood prior to carving?
Edit - searched other parts of the forum and found the answer.
As a noob, just wanted to say THANK YOU! I learned a whole lot in a short time.