So I had my project file all setup in easel pro and did all the correct setup to start a carve. BTW I’ve been using the carve 1000mm for over a year and a half now and never encountered this problem. When I generate the detail for the project it seems like it takes forever to generate for such a simple design. Same with the simulate tool paths. So when it does come to start carving it will go no where near where its suppose to start carving and cut down deep into my work piece. There is no stray design parts in that area. Reconnected, and even closed out easel to try again and happened again. Trying to figure out what can be going wrong. Any suggestions would be awesome.
I heard on Facebook that Inventibles was having issues. They are cloud based. Haven’t seen anything official.
Hi Jason,
If you have a carve like that that doesn’t go right, click “No” at the end of the carve when Easel asks if everything turned out right. If you then click to get help from Inventables and submit a report, it will go to our customer success team. All of the g-code and project settings will be captured for us to look at, and someone will follow up with you. You can also take pictures and upload them with your error report.
You can also do this at any time from the “Help” menu in Easel. It won’t capture as much information as if a carve was in progress, but it will give us enough to take a look at your project.
Sound good. I’ll give it a try next time I attempt to carve it if it happens again. Thanks guys
Can you share the URL to your Easel project?