X-Carve Build

Ok, so I have been doing research for about 2 months and here is what I have planned for my build. Just getting ready to pull the trigger on purchase:

Phase 1 - Initial build
1000x1000 X-Carve without Z assembly, I will immediately replace that with the C-Beam from OpenBuilds (C-Beam® Linear Actuator Bundle - OpenBuilds Part Store)
Upgraded steppers: https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/hybrid-stepper-motor/nema-23-bipolar-18deg-19nm-269ozin-28a-32v-57x57x76mm-4-wires-23hs30-2804s.html
Stiffening Mod

Water Cooled Spindle/VFD: https://www.amazon.com/MYSWEETY-Cooled-Spindle-Converter-Collet/dp/B01N1EJEQ1/ref=pd_sbs_60_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=P2A2D0PKTSSAZPY056PR

I will upgrade the X-Controller to a 21A 24v PSU

Phase II - Mach 4 Setup (TBA) when I get a better idea.

Any suggestions, errors, omissions in the above?

Stiffening what?

Why? What do you think that will that get you? It’s already a 24V 400W supply meaning it can supply about 16.7A which is more than enough for any potential setup that the Xcontroller can support (almost like Inventables matched the supply to the capabilities). Your steppers are 2.8A and assuming all 4 draw a constant max amp, that’s only 11.2A. The other circuitry might account for 0.5A at most so you’re still at about 30% loading of the supply. I don’t see how adding an extra capacity of 5A will provide any benefit given the setup you’re proposing to use. Even at a full 4A motor amp situation, you’re still not exceeding max capacity of the supply.

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Yes, stiffening the y rails.

Hmm, good point. Honestly I hadn’t done the math on that, was cutting and pasting a lot. This was based on some other comments I had seen.

if you’re using mach, take mach3 instead of 4. Also consider a geckodrive instead of an x-controller. I have no experience with the x-controller. It might be good, but it is a new product whereas the gecko has a proven track record.

Just pointing out suggestions, so you can do educated research which fits best for your needs.

Oh, sorry I was unclear.

When it comes time to upgrade to Mach, I am going to use a geckodrive, smooth stepper or the like.

No, you cannot run Mach on X-Controler.

if you’re using mach, take mach3 instead of 4. Also consider a geckodrive instead of an x-controller. I have no experience with the x-controller. It might be good, but it is a new product whereas the gecko has a proven track record.

Why mach 3? I know Mach 4 is a bit of a moving target as it is still being developed against, but is it that big of bug soup?

Speaking from experience. Listen to Phil and Ron here as they know what they are talking about.
I have upgraded my system based on their recommendations.
My system has stock motors and belts with a stock frame. However I upgraded the electronics to use a Gecko G540 and an Ethernet smooth stepper. I run Mach3 instead of easel. I recently purchased a .8kw spindle and 3d printed a new mount for it. (Do not get anything over .8kw for use with stock system. That thing is heavy. 7lbs!)

All of us here are willing to help you get up and running.

Ok, based on that Ill go with:

let me know your thoughts on the C-beam for the Z axis. I’ve not been that happy with mine as it doesn’t seem that stiff and it resonates really badly, makes the machine super loud…

I managed to score a FREE igus linear actuator which i’ll be modding to fit at some point.

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mach 3 is more stable and way better documented.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I did the research when I converted, and that was the general consensus.

either way, for hobby use both should be fine though.