X-Carve at Rockler

Inventables is working with Rockler to test selling the X-Carve in 4 stores. There are 3 in the Chicagoland Area and 1 in Milwaukee. Each store has trained staff on hand to do demos and most if not all plan to offer classes.


Very impressive…all the best with that.

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New market. New customer base. Awesome. Good luck with this

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I have been hanging out in the stores and was surprised to meet a lot of current X-Carve owners. Also in the Milwaukee store they knew @PhilJohnson


Thats where I got talked into buying xcarve, the Orland Park store…

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Oh cool. Had you heard of it before?

nope, was going to get another one about the same price but they steered me to the xcarve and I decided on it having a table instead of a feedtable… :wink:

I don’t have a rocker anywhere in my area. I do think that this is a good marketing decision. You have more professional associates than Lowe’s or Home Depot


Yes I have been very impressed with the staff at Rockler. They are very knowledgeable and I think most if not all are woodworkers.


you need to bring them a box of donuts next time you go to Orland, I see them showing everyone your display when I go in there :wink:


I don’t have a lot Rocklers close but i do buy from there catalog. I need to watch and see if they have it advertised when there new one comes out.

Right now it’s store by store as we roll it out. They plan to offer classes for groups and 1:1.

Any tech support they do would be informal. Official support and service will remain through Inventables for now.

The partnership has generated a lot more interest than I was expecting.


Closest rockler to my place is 200 miles south in the twin cities MN.
I’m near the Mississippi headwaters.
I got my first cnc there just before the xcarve hit the streets 3 years ago.

It would be neat to see one in the store when I visit though!

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Excellent! I’ve always heard that about Rockler. I know the staff at Home Depot can’t even come close. I was district human resource manager for home depot

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I wish we had rockler (or any kind of store like it) in Germany. I think it’s a good chance to let see new costumers the x carve in action. Once you get hypnotized by an running machine they will love it :stuck_out_tongue:

And I see you put some cutout examples in the background. And with it the awesome looking 3D clock. Any chance you guys share the stl or fusion file for it?

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Zach i think I just heard Shark and Pihrana cry

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I have never used those machines so I can’t speak to the experience.

I think they host classes for both at Rockler.

I will say they did have a nice wood selection


Even Thor knows @PhilJohnson.


Keep it up Zack Kaplan and you will be putting a wood rack on top your vechical.