I’ve recently got my X Carve 750 and am in the middle of assembling it. I’ve assembled the board, framework and gantry and I wanted to check the squareness of the travel before moving onto the next stage. Travel in the Y axis is running true but there is some play in the X axis travel, approx 2.5mm over the width of the table. I know It doesn’t sound a lot but would like to get it as close as possible. I have checked that the frame work is all flush and all the bolts are secure and the wheels are good. I can get rid of the play by pushing the right hand plate in line, but it springs back as soon as I let go. I have attached a couple of pictures for clarity, instead of me waffling on!
If anyone has any idea where the fault could be or how I could overcome it, that would be greatly appreciated. Can’t wait to start cutting!