I’d like to build a machine that can cut across the width of an 8’ x 4’ sheet, so 31" falls a little bit short for me.
Would it be possible to offer an option with the X axis cutting >50" ? e.g. 4’ wide board plus room for the bit diameter, so something like a t-slot bit could enter and exit through the edges of the board.
I’m planning to mount it to a couple of edge clamps, probably these:
Bora WTX Edge Guide 50"
I wouldn’t need the Inventables waste board, since I’d be ‘clamping’ the CNC onto the sheet being cut (probably on top of some rigid foam insulation underneath as the ‘waste board’). I also wouldn’t need the two 20x20mm extrusions under the front and back edge of the Instructables waste board, since each one would be replaced an edge clamp.
I could take the 1000mm square model, and replace the X gantry makerslide and belt with longer versions. But it occurs to me that I’m probably not alone wanting something a little bit wider than 31"
Good question. I’ve seen a few people extending their machines to larger sizes, like this guy:
@BartDring would have a better idea about the maximum length you could use makerslide for.
I would love to see a 1000mm x 1800 mm upgrade options and also a tiny g controler upgrade options. That’s the base system I would like.
Hey Justin,
Do you think tiny g is better than GRBL 0.9?
I am new to the cnc game and have not ordered my unit yet, was going to then the x-crave was dropped but I feel the Tiny G gives more options and room to expand in one unit. I am sure others have input and I am open to here anything
If you’re just getting started I would go with the gshield and GRBL 0.9. If you want more power I’d move into the TB6600. We did a blog post that walks through the details.
Zach_Kaplan do you know a target price on the TB6600 shield?, target release date?
We don’t have those details yet. If you want to be notified when that info becomes available you can add your email to the notification list on the product page.
We are prioritizing upgrades like this based on interest from the community. We hope this forum is a place that folks can share that kind of feedback.
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