Tried this today. Work piece is a 20”x27” piece of burl. This worked great for the light surfacing I am doing.
“Boosting the signal” is always good. Sharing info for those who may have missed it.
I tried the superglue masking tape trick a while back and it didn’t work for me.
I think it was the glue? I used the gorilla brand crazy glue which has a very slow set time, and I think I just didn’t let it set up long enough?
I will try picking up some regular crazy glue and see if I can get this to work.
The gorilla glue takes FOREVER. Tried it first, tugged at my workpiece and it looked like gel. I put down some dabs of Loctite (454?) and reset my workpiece. It was solid in just a couple minutes.
Definitely the glue.
Try using an activator with the CA (superglue), it makes most CA glues set instantly. I use this one…it comes in larger bottles as well.
Totally agree that “boosting the signal is always good." My use of the forum is very variable and I welcome people sharing their experiences. The information may have been posted before, but I may not have seen it. I can store the information away for future reference. I don’t understand why some people on the forum have to be so snide and arrogant about this. If the information is not of use to them just ignore it and move on. Personally I find these people annoying and I think it discourages people sharing information.
I was using a glue gun with the tape and read someone posted that they put the gluegun glue (say that 3 times fast) on the “sides” of the workpiece… no tape. Just running the glue along the sides of the piece and the tabletop… will be trying that trick in the near future…
How about the rule that says “Please remember that another human is on the other end of every comment. Bullying, ad hominem attacks, intimidation, and any other unpleasant behavior will not be tolerated.”
I don’t think hijacking a thread to argue about etiquette is the best solution to resolve this.
Hijacking this thread? The one where everyone basically gave the op bunch of crap for not using the search function before posting. Yeah don’t hijack this thread. Please I really think it was going somewhere good. Why is everyone so mean on this forum. I watched the video. I found it interesting. If you didn’t cool I think people should feel free to post what they want as long as it’s related to this forum.
So getting back to the topic on CA Glue and tape, THANK YOU David Quick for the post and video. I think the key to success is the accelerator and quality CA Glue.
All due respect to those looking to remind others of forum rules I can see what you think you are saying. However I don’t go searching for something I have never seen, so I never would have seen this great trick had Mr Quick not posted it today. I think people misunderstand that what was actually implied by the “search first” rule was for those seeking help and with questions that already have threads and solutions. This is a great tip and I like that good tips get repeated !
Thanks Douglas for your feedback. I guess I am guilty for winding folks up and I apologize. It’s just that I find of late that some people are being mean on this forum and I don’t understand why this is. I find the whole thing dispiriting since this is a fun hobby. The post in question was sharing information and I personally found it useful. It would appear that this topic has been covered before and for some reason some folks get bent out of shape about this. Why can’t they simply ignore it and just move on and enjoy the hobby. It’s getting that if I want to ask a question or share some information I must search every nook and cranny on the forum in case it has been mentioned before otherwise the unofficial forum police get on my case. This is a strong disincentive to using the forum, which is disappointing. I hope the forum administrators see this thread and perhaps point out to people that just because you have been on the forum a while and have lots of experience it doesn’t mean that you own the forum and have to act as an unofficial administrator. Furthermore, that people with experience should instead encourage new folks to the hobby instead of beating them up if they make an error.
Phil, in the perfect world I agree and everything would be perfectly organized and I appreciate the work you have done to help organize things. However, it is the nature of all forums that things aren’t perfect and you will get duplicate information and people will make mistakes and not realize the information already exists. I personally found the information useful because I hadn’t seen the original thread. Regardless, there is no reason for folks to be mean to people that make errors (BTW I don’t put you in this category). Instead people should either ignore the post, or if they want to help they can point to where more information can be found. One issue here is that this forum doesn’t have sticky threads, which can help reduce this problem. Sorry for laboring this topic, but I think it is important if the forum is to be a welcoming place where people of differing skill levels feel welcome.
For what it’s worth I did search the forum before posting this. It came up with a few items but nothing on this subject. Search doesn’t magically turn up an exact match. You have to use specific terms and if the ones I use don’t match the ones someone else uses I get different results than you.
It’s not a magic wand.
would you refer to this
and the two posts that followed it as teaching? I agree with you in principal this forum needs to be a resource that is usable and therefore starting new threads to discuss something that has been previously covered should be avoided. But berating the person who posted is not teaching and not necessary. And this is not the only time I have seen this on this forum. It is discouraging to me and it wasn’t even directed at me. IT IS NOT NECESSARY.
Maybe next time don’t say anything.
So I’ll reiterate, that is you teaching?
Yes, yes you can. If that previous quote is going to be your response. You were attempting to fix this forum and make it a better place, I get that. But really calling peoples actions stupid.That is what you are doing? I just think we can all be nicer to each other in general. If you don’t have something nice to say… don’t say anything at all. Please it is discouraging.
So how is "Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb” helpful? The reply Phil gave was more helpful. Perhaps you would like to explain what you were trying to achieve? I don’t think you are trying to teach, I think you are trying to drive people away. Just because you have been here longer and have more experience doesn’t give you the right to treat this forum as your private club and bully people who don’t confirm to what you believe the rules are. If you want this type of forum then create your own private group on Google. This is an open forum and everyone should be welcome regardless of whether they are experienced or just starting, or whether they are regular or occasional visitors. I have seen so many forums ruined by people like you and I think it is sad. The reason I started this discussion was that a similar situation occurred a few months ago and I exchanged e-mails with the person concerned and encouraged him to ignore the bullies on this forum. He subsequently wrote to me to thank me for my help, but said he didn’t feel welcome and was leaving the forum. So if your objective is to drive away the people who “come here and do stupid” then keep it up you are succeeding! I hope Zach Kaplan is following this thread. I would like to hear his opinion on how to deal with bullies on this forum.
My bad, I guess as long as you follow up any random less that helpful, borderline rude comment with a link you are teaching. Maybe nobody remembers the link you provided be cause it was proceeded by a not very clever comment. Just be nicer is really all anyone on here is asking. Just be nice to people.
There are alot of people on this forum that have been here a very long time and read most posts. So reading the same thing over and over can get a bit annoying. However, everyone should remember that you saw an awesome idea one time when you were new and wanted others to know about it and immediately posted it. Just remember your comments come with little emotion or context to you thinking. Before you post, think about how you would feel if you were new and read your post.
We often use sarcasm to make a point, there are about 5 folks here that get into these little spats frequently and should just think at this time of thanksgiving how you would feel getting your comments when you were new. Continue learning from each other and stop the comments that can inflame the situation. Help each other and enjoy the company.