This is my first upgrade i bought the taller y axis plates. After installing them i noticed that the acme screw would fall off the bottom rollers if it went to low. But it will not go down to the waste board. I want to be able to cut material without having to stack pieces of material under neath to reach a certain height. Is there a different screw i can use to accomplish this?
Sweet works for me! I bought the 2” taller Y Axis plates should i go with the 6” or 8” travel slider?
Thank you i decided to go with the 8”.
Welcome to the “other” rabbit hole.
@BobJewell is 100% correct. With the taller Y axis end plates you can carve thicker material but you should really upgrade your Z axis. Taller Y plates and a stock Z axis don’t play well together. If you aren’t very careful you can lower you Z too far and the V-wheels will run off the rails. Not a good thing if you are carving something for sure.
The linear Z axis also stiffens of the Z axis as well. Nothing but good things come from the upgrade.
Please don’t say this again. We’ll never hear the end of it lol.
Hate to feed an Ego, but when he is right, he is right!!