Winter is Coming!

Dude, that is awesome! I’ll pay $10 for that file! I must confess that I prefer the “Winter Is Coming” vs. “Winter Is Here” just because of the anticipatory effect. Regardless, I think a metallic treatment with some flat black and Rub N Buff would be totally cool.

a little tip. offer him 5$ he will accept

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ouuu it ship to canada

You need one. This is 13x9 on 3/4 mdf. 1/4 endmill roughing, 1/4 finish and profile cutout. 90 minutes total.

Wife says it’s Etsy worthy

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looks like a good gingerbread cookie… or sugar cookie

Damn guess I have no choice but to buy one! Would definitely help save on cut time! I think the link you sent me it’s 6$ shipping so that isn’t to bad I guess compared to other bits I’ve seen

that’d be a pretty sweet cookie.

anyone got a line on a 3d model of this?

i looked for that a while ago with no luck

we’re repeating this thread… Game of Thrones! - Inventables Community Forum
there’s a decent svg of the lannister sigil

A few more GoT related models are here in the free models thread on cnczone

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Spent the last month working on a new website where I can sell my products online and get prepared as I expand into vinyl cutting. Played around with a makeshift lightbox for now, until I get a new one made and order some lights. Anyways luckily I’m fairly well versed in photoshop and was able to edit out the shadows and come out with a nice looking picture. What do you guys think?


Looks great. I like it

I think it would also look good when you hang it on a wall with some background. That would make it look more real and people can see that it is actually a crafted piece of wood and not just an image. If there is a little bit decoration around people would have an idea of the size. I hope that makes sense. Just something to think about, no critics

Hey this is the type of comment that only helps and makes things better! Muchlly appreciated! I was actually thinking of something similar. My living room isn’t the most welcoming so I was thinking of photoshopping the sign into someone else living room. Lots of custom sign places do this. Here is a pic for example

Yes that’s what i meant. I would use a lightbox only for small things with details where you don’t want to have any distractions, like jewelry, model cars etc…

Joined etsy for the first time ever and listed the wolf for fun. I don’t think it will sell as I have no idea how people will find me withought making sales but atleast it’s on there and we will see how it goes.

A free download of the Games of Thrones font is here: font download

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