Why would i want to pay for EASEL PRO when EASEL Basic isn't working properly

One item you may want to increase is your depth of cut.
You are cutting very conservatively.
You could probably double the depth of cut for your roughing operation.
The detail could be increased some as well but I do know that 1/32" mills are extremely fragile.
Either way, increasing your roughing DOC would give you shorter milling times.

No problem.

As far as the issue with Easel, I was able to replicate it. Seems that when you have stacked shapes of the same size set as “islands”, the preview will show corrctly, but the gcode is not generated correctly.
It can be seen here:

@DanielGamache I’m pretty confident that the toolpath preview will represent the actual toolpath sent to the controller. I’d recommend always checking the toolpath. Pros do it with $8000 CAM software, so it should be done with $0 software.

@JeffTalbot @rodovich

There appears to be an issue with stacked shapes and Gcode generation. Can this be investigated?


Hi @DanielGamache, @NeilFerreri1,

This is a bug. We are looking in to it now. Thank you.



If you click the red button and then click “Get help from Inventables” and go all the way through the process of submitting an error to us with a non-blank message, we not only get it but we will respond directly to you every time. It is an official policy.


Hey @JeffTalbot,
Is there a way to pass bugs on to you guys without carving through Easel? Many of us may have experience in a way that helps identify issues even if we don’t use Easel much.

Yes, you can access the same reporting system from Help / Troubleshooting / Get help from Inventables.

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Thank you for clarifying the “Red” button. Never knew about that.

It seems that after removing the extra circle and chinese symbol from the second design, the carving came out
as it should.

I will post pictures when it’s finished.

Still, Contrary to you, the toolpath and preview displayed in the render window were displayed without any errors.
Which was misleading and caused my first carving to fail.

So there is an issue within the software with 0 depth items and should be looked at.

They’re looking at it.

Good information here.

Thanks @JeffTalbot

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Here is the results i got after removing the extra 0 depth parts.

Both pieces were carved correctly.

I did have some small issue with the final cut…

Was done with the 1/8 upcut bit (Inventables)

Final result:

Plate holder was done with my 3d printer.

So… In conclusion, their is indeed an issue with the software not properly recognizing stacked 0 depth elements.
causing bad g-code generation.

Since all 0 depth objects depicted in tutorial videos are said that will not affect the carving… my argument still
stand that EASEL Basic still has some bugs to crush.


Try use Aspire. Easel is for kids :slight_smile:

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The tiny ledge is there all around it on 1 piece but not there on the other… weird

Where can i get that “Aspire” ?

Aspire is a Vectric.com product. V-Carves big brother. $2000.

2000$… I’ll stick with the kiddy stuff…

And learn Fusion 360 which is free

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I highly recommend their tutorials. Being a Software Developer myself I never had any contact wird CAD and their tutorials made it pretty easy to achieve what I wanted…

Hi Everyone,

We fixed this issue. Easel now automatically ignore duplicate shapes.

Thank you



Awesome! Thank you!

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Easel is buggy AF. Anyone that thought a paid Easel Pro was a good idea was sniffing too much MDF fumes/dust…

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