While performing the detail pass of a 2-stage cut with a 1/32" bit, my DWP611 powered down at around 80% complete, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CUT!!! of course this caused my bit to snap.
this was the first time that this has happened. I was standing right next to my machine when it happened. I started looking at the machine to figure out exactly what was going on and about 2-3 seconds later, SNAP!
the weird thing is the machine continued to process the Gcode, just without a cutter or the spindle powered up.
I stopped the carve and reset the tool.
I do not know Why this would have happened
directly after i entered the command console and entered M3 S14000 and the 611 powered right up. M5 and powered down.
I flipped my rocker switch to the ON Position, the 611 powered up. flipped it back to the logic position,611 powered down and its ready for the next carve.
this is like the 30th carve that i have performed but the first time that this specific glitch has happened
i am running the spindle off of a solid state relay.
I figured that i could go in and check the "Current"Gcode file to see if it had a M5 located in the wrong location causing my spindle to power down, but Easel had to Re-Generate the file, so of course this new file may not be the same as the old one that the machine was just running.
Is there any way to see the ACTUAL Gcode that is being sent to the Arduino?
It is only logical to be able to see the Current Gcode path being sent, and not having to re-generate the code each time. if i am correct even the generated Gcode under the machine tab may not be the exact Gcode path sent to the arduino. My logic behind this is in the machine tab the Gcode can be Generated and Exported but not processed immediately by the machine. To process immediately by the machine using Easel, the machine tab must be closed out and the Carve tab needs to be pushed which now generates the Gcode path that will be sent to the Arduino. There is no guarantee that these two paths will be exactly identical.
So with this said, here is my problem, is there something that i am missing that will allow me to see the CURRENT Gcode file being translated instead of having to Regenerate the Code each time i want to see it? because it may not be the same that was just sent. I have had some paths different than others on the exact same picture, i have noticed that the tool paths are not always identical each time that they are calculated, thus resulting in different Gcode patterns.
I have even had an issue with 2-stage cut where the Detail Pass did not get everything left behind, by my assessment it looked as if the Rough Pass actually missed a few areas. But this only happened during one cutting board not both of them, so that has me a little lost as well.
in this situation, IF i could go back and see the ACTUAL Gcode that was sent to the Arduino, then maybe i could find the command that powered down my 611. There is no other reason for the 611 to have powered down and if there is, somebody please educate me bc this has me dumbfounded. AND i know one thing, I Do Not Want This To Happen Again. this hiccup cost me a $20 bit and i have no way to find out exactly why it happened.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.