Where are people getting their tooling from for the dewalt 1/4" Collet?

So I have ordered my Xcarve and I am slowly accomplishing the task of purchasing everything I need (PC, workbench, parts, etc). I am now at the point where I am trying to stock up on tooling.

The tools I have found myself using for the few parts I have CAM’d and created toolpaths are as follows:
1/8" Shaft
1/8" End Mill
1/16" End Mill
1/8" Ball Mill
1/16" Ball Mill

1/4" Shaft
1/8" End Mill
3/16"End Mill
1/4" End Mill
1/8" Ball Mill
3/16"Ball Mill
1/4" Ball Mill

There are probably a couple redundant tools in that list, but its not really too important. The issue I have been having is finding the tools with the correct shaft diameter to fit either of my precisebits collets. Short of ordering on ebay from china that is.

Is everyone really just chucking up router bits solely? Just using 1/8" and 1/4" Mills and nothing else? Am I missing something?

Also while we are on the subject… what about drill sets? Can I just get a set of hex shank bits?


It’s up to you, depends on what do you want to carve. I’ll post link for different Colette sizes you may want to take a look at.

I found that I could purchase some end mills for less in metric sizes, so I have a lot of 4mm and 6mm shank sizes also.

I would definitely add three other tools to your list 30, 60 and 90 degree vbits. They just cannot be beat for lettering and carving bit map patterns (if you have software that knows how to use them).

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ive just been using 1/8 and 1/4 shank bits

i got 1/4" shaft v bit and spiral router bits and i got some 1/8 bits from inventables and some from drillman1 on ebay

@AllenMassey … Like Allen said, there are some great deals on the metric sized bits. I got the collets from Elaire Corp for 4mm, 6mm and 1/8" for the Dewalt DWP611.

You will find a variety of different diameter bits that fit 1/8" and 1/4" collets. I’ve never really needed anything other than those two sizes, but I do have a 1/2" collet for my single 1/2" end mill that I use for surfacing the wasteboard. Precise bits should offer everything you would need.

Any one seen a 90 degree V-bit (.75" dia.) before? would that be 1/4" or 1/2" shank do you think?
Vectric has a project site and this was a tool listed to complete a project. I have a 90 degree .50 dia bit.

I could be wrong, but unless you’re plunging the V-bit to its full depth, would the diameter actually matter? 90 degrees is 90 degrees, the diameter would just give you the ability to plunge deeper, as far as I can work out…

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That is what I think also (90 deg is 90 deg), And if the vbit is trying to dig .75 inch into the material you are doing something wrong.

I thought it was unusual also, might be a misprint. The project is a Victorian House Plaque with either a welcome sign or house number on eye hooks that hang below. Nothing in the picture would indicate something with that deep of a plunge. Interesting indeed.

Yeah, my guess is that it was just literally the bit they used, not that any other 90 degree bit wouldn’t work.

Yah, I always use different tools and recalculate my own tool paths anyway. You’ll be good with your bit. If it cuts that deep V-Carve Pro will automatically make several passes with your bit to accomplish the same thing.

I will have to get one of these V-Bits

I just placed the following order at Enco:

Model	  Description	                                Price
325-2274    1/8X1/8X1/4X1-1/2 ATRAX CARB 2FL STB BN SEM   $11.40
325-2276    1/4X1/4X1/2X2" ATRAX CARB 2FL STB BN SEM  	  $20.62
322-5108    1504 1/8X1/2 2FLT ATRAX GP SQEND SEM SC TIN   $5.99
322-5116    1504 1/4XX1/4X3/4 ATRAX S/C 2FL SEM TIN       $10.49
891-6778    1/8 118 DEGREE R.H. KEO SPOT & CENT.DRILLS    $6.09
990-1476    1/8 90 DEGREE R.H. KEO SPOT & CENT.DRILLS  	  $6.09
323-5100    1/8X1/8 SHK 2FL ATRAX S/CAR LONG LGTH SEM     $9.95
325-2294    1/16X1/8 SH 4FL BALL ATRAX S/CAR STUB SEM 	  $7.55 

I am still looking for a set of drill bits. I am curious what a good bit length is. I figure it needs to be pretty short to fit under the spindle and work piece. A couple inches is what I was assuming. I was looking at this set here. Not overpriced and seems to do the trick.

Dont think you are going to want to run a drill bit in a router/spindle. Most drills are going to be much slower running

Enco is selling only Onsrud Router Mill bits, and they’re too short. 1/8" they have single flute cutting flute length is up to .5". If you want to cut .75" Plywood, shank starts to rub edges and generates heat. I believe all this bits for Milling machine. Milling spinners don’t spin like router spinners. And you’re talking about Drill bit. It works… about 5 seconds then starts smoking. We’re here talking about 13000 to 18000 RPM speed. I think you better look for High Speed Router Bits for your machine.

Ah, I guess I should have been a bit more specific. Most of the work I bought this machine to do is accurate prototyping of device casing designs. There are not too many occasions where I am going to ripping through a lot of material. Lots of 3D CAM and Ball Nose mills. Maybe I am wrong, I haven’t had a chance to figure that out yet, but they just seemed like better tools than some of the heavier router bits I have been seeing.

The drill holes I needed to do are for #6 and #4 screws. I ended up buying some carbide bits from drillsunlimited which I have used before. #40 and #36 drills with an 1/8th shank. These are all made for using a dremel to drill through PCBs. I have used them at 10k so hopefully there isn’t much of an issue at 13k.

I may be learning a lesson the hard way from what it sounds, though.

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@AlanDavis Would you mind posting the model number of the collet you recommend for the dewalt 611 to reduce to 1/8"? Every link posted to Elaire leads to their home page or collet page without any further info. Also, did you post that this particular collet has less chance of slipping than others? Greatly appreciated!

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Or if you want to spent little more money, AllenMassey found good link for.

I think this is the part number you need. DWH-1250

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This one I purchased first, you may want to try.

Thanks! I will place my order today! Really appreciate it.