There have been so many threads started about SVG import issues within Easel, and with good reason.
In my own experience, I’ve hit a wall, where if I want to use my machine to import simple SVG line art, I have to learn Fusion360. I bought an X-Carve because what I’m trying to carve (generally) is so simple, so I shouldn’t need to immerse myself in Fusion just to get results, so to end up having to learn it anyway while the devs try to play catch up with the issues is incredibly frustrating. Apparently my issue is a known issue, but there is no timeline for patching it.
Which makes me wonder- why does Inventables keep releasing features that are incomplete/not truly ready for deployment? I believe in what Inventables are trying to achieve, and I’m thankful for the way they have democratized CNC carving for regular people. But wouldn’t it be better to release features that are ready to use, instead of releasing features that work in some cases but not in others?
Zach- your input on this would be greatly appreciated.