I have v carve pro and a x carve. I need to know what g code machine controller to use? I have used a open source g code controller but have some problems with the program start up. Could someone recommend a good controller.
I would say most use universal g code sender or chilipepper.
Thank you for your reply. I just reinstalled my universal g code sender and now after several attempts to run it I get a error code grbl not finished booting up. I shut down everything and restarted it and got the same result. What should i do now?
That error usually means you have the buad rate setting wrong, be sure you have the baud rate set to 115200
I’ve been having great results sending g-code thru Easel
You might like to try GRBL Panel
Download available from GitHub - gerritv/Grbl-Panel: A control panel for Grbl
I have been using the Daily Build version of UGS with good results
Though at some point back I updated the version of GRBL on my G Shield. That was a major PIA as the instructions left out a few key steps.