What changed in the Easel driver? I used to be able to control my machine from remote using a serial over Ethernet solution. If it wouldn’t connect (which it did) it would prompt me for a com port that I could specify.
Did you upgrade your Easel driver recently?
Hey Jeff! Not recently. I want to say it happened with 3.9, maybe 3.8.
I conscripted a laptop into service using a 40’ usb cable when it did stop working. I just want to see if I can get it back so I can clean up some of my mess around here.
Did it stop working at exactly the same time you upgraded the driver?
I want to say yes, but it has been awhile. Does the new driver try to access a COM port, or the specific USB port?
It tries to access a COM port.
What about hardware flow, handshaking settings?
That’s my next theory.
Well, I found where you can manually enter the com port. It’s working now!
Had to click the blue (not green) carve button – who’d have guessed?
Think that could be added to the machine setup page?