Walnut Ring Box

Made a box for an engagement ring (she said yes!) Modeled both halves in Fusion 360 and used UGS. Dewalt 611 Worked great!


that is really nice and congrats by the way :smiley:


Beautiful job and congratulations!

What are you using for hinges?

Just some mini barrel hinges. Rockler or Amazon has them

ok, this is inspiring. Not only the beautiful box… but the barrel hinges! I’ve never used or know anything about barrel hinges. I did a quick youtube search and those look pretty awesome! In fact, since alignment of the holes seems so critical on these things, it seems like using the cnc to place the holes would be ideal.

Did you use a drill press for the holes on these hinges, or use the CNC to pocket them out? If so, how did you go about doing it and where exactly did you place the hole (i’m thinking about the gap between the lid and the base when the box is open.

Also, do these mini hinges just press in with a friction fit?

Great stuff… i’d love to see more pictures and close ups of those hinges if you get time.

And congratulations!!!

really nice! I’ve been searching to see if its possible to do rounded edges and now I know.

Congrats! It is beautiful!

Nice work. It came out really well.

I’m something of a hardware junkie, so I too was surprised to see I wasn’t aware of barrel hinges. Thanks.

Beautiful box Steven!!! Wonderfully finished…fantastic work!!

Yes, indeed nice. I need to buy something like this for my rosary beads.
original box fell apart, cheap.

good job.