Vcarve pro7.5

Hi folks,
I just put my cnc piranha on CL. Would not have bought it in the first place had I done a bit more web searching and been aware of the of issues and proprietary nature of the other companies products. Lesson learned, nuff said about that.

I’m exited and looking forward to joining the inventables family once funds are liberated from my current machine. I like the idea of assembling it myself, if somthing goes awry mechanically i can address it myself.

Will the vectric software that I have (vcarve pro 7.5 and cut3D) be compatible with an x-carve?
In my brief experience with cnc I have started to get a handle on this software and will probably use it as well as Easel.

i may have many other questions as time goes on, at least with this board I have somewhere to post them.

thanks in advance,


Hi @JkWestphal thanks for considering Inventables and welcome to our community forum!

Yes you can use VCarve Pro7.5 and Cut 3D. At this time when you export Gcode from one of those programs you will need to use Universal GCode sender (or similar) to get the gcode to the machine rather than Easel.

We are constantly working on Easel. Each week it gets a little bit better. We’re looking into ways that Easel can support using other CAD/CAM tools. To help our research efforts we’d love to learn more about the kinds of projects you hope to make.