I am trying too make some inlay With My Xcarve and vcarve pro,
I am going too use Vbit 60 degree from inventables (30342-02)
I use pocket side ,
Start dept 0 and the flat depht 5 mm (0.2 inch)
The Male side
Starth depht 2.54 mm (0.1 inch ) and the flat depht 2.54 (0.1 inch)
And i use Clarence tool .
I set the maximum down for each pass down 1 mm.
I have a dewalt router .
But i think its too much material for My xcarve too handle on one singel pass
2.54 starth depht and 1 mm down for the first pass ,3.54 in one single pass,
I have tried , but it seems too much for it too handle.
Am i totalt wrong on theese , or what can i tryed too do , and
Whats bee wrong if i Skipped the start depht, and just use more flat depht ?
I read the vcarve inlay pdf tutorial, and thats even moore starth depht then i use