@MannySavignano. I just uploaded the video using VCarve to create the necessary g-code and how to import it into Easel. Here is the link
I just subscribed! Thanks Phillip!
Thank you
Hello you need help
I from houston tx I have my cnc inventable I use vectri aspire for my router use candle cnc
This is my email yohan.manuel@hotmail.com
Johan, thanks but I have tested and successfully run the G-Code loaders and Vectric tools.
ok super if you need some files I have at hand the 3 books vector art each with 6 thousand files vectorized what you like count with me.
I’m going to jump in here as I’m currently learning V carve pro. If you need another software program (like easel or universal) what does the check box mean in V Carve’s toolpath creation area that says: “output directly to machine”? I’ve searched high and low, including the manual, and can’t find any reference to that option anywhere. Thanks in advance!
It is my understanding it is not functional with the X-carve.
The way I read is that it will send the generated gcode to a sender (Mach3). Sounds similar to the way Fusion 360 can send an STL file straight to a slicing program for 3D printing. Not really a huge addition.
The latest versions of Vectric’s VCarve, Cut2D and Aspire (v9.5xx and later) all include an optional gcode sender called VTransfer, which you can select when you first install the product. This is a deliberately minimal app, but provides basic connection, homing, jogging, origin set-up and, of course, toolpath streaming to your X-Carve. It works best if you are running VCarve on the same machine that your X-Carve is connected to because then you can use the Output direct to machine option when you choose the X-Carve (mm)(*.gcode) post. With this option checked, VCarve will transfer the toolpath directly to VTransfer without the need to save and load toolpath files on your PC.
We hope that this will help to plug the gap between toolpath creation and streaming to your X-Carve - particularly for those of you without an internet connection.
PS. Full disclosure: In case I didn’t make it clear, I do work for Vectric!
That is great news that I apparently missed in the release letter and during the upgrade install.
Are there any tutorials for this improved workflow or instructions for implementation?
Thank you very much for pointing this out.
Hi Mark,
There is documentation here: VTransfer - Cut2D Laser Desktop V9.0 User Manual
It is currently tailored to the laser product, but generally replace the Emblaser 1 with the *X-Carve" equivalents (which are actually the defaults on install) and it should get you up and running I think.
There have been a couple of nice tweaks to the latest VTransfer though (like adding feedrate override support), so I will try and put together a video showing the workflow next week.
Edward the link you attached is the only thing I can find for VTransfer.
I have logged into my VC acount and searched and nothing comes up.
Your link seems to indicate VTransfer is only for Cut2D.
Can you please clarify?
When I updated to the latest version of Aspire, there was an option to install VTransfer at that time. It is there for Aspire. Seems as if this was put into place to control the Emblaser using Cut2D. I would guess Vectric found out it would be applicable to the grbl community in general and included it in the three software titles he mentioned in his earlier post.
I have updated to VCarve 9.5 and did not see it.
I found it in the 9.51 update. It was during the install process that I had to select the option to install it.
I am also at 9.51 and do not find it.
When you are installing, there is an option to include VTransfer. I didn’t find a way to add it after install. I uninstalled and re-installed to try it. I’d stick with whatever you’re using now.