n00b question for you all- I bought VCarve Desktop with my X-Carve. The CD sleeve has a sticker with “Registered User Name” and a “VCarve Desktop License Code” printed on it. To download updates & major version upgrades I have to create a Vectric Portal account. To do that, I have to specify an email address that was used during the purchase, in this case, I didn’t purchase directly from Vectric. I assume that the Name on the sign-up form for Portal access is the name specified on the back of the CD sleeve. I’m at a loss here regarding the email address. I tried a few variations here with different email addresses that may have been used, but alas, nothing. Is there some special step of the purchase or registration process, either with Inventables or Vectric, which I’m missing? Any info would be great. In the interim I’m at least able to run version 8
Yep, certainly a n00b question. When you fire up the app, you get this message, which pretty much answers what I posted above, lol. Hopefully the next question I post for you all will be slightly more educated.
I would try the email address that you used to sign up for inventables when you bought the machine I am sure that its the correct one and make sure and upgrade to v-carve 9 I believe it was a decently major update
upgrade all you can within the first year because after that you have to pay like 175.00 to upgrade to the new version which sucks