I have only had my 1000mm x-carve for about a month now and am running easel pro. Everything started off just fine and I got some great carves in. Now I am having some issues with a v-carve and I am getting horrible ridges. I’m looking through for some answers because something is out of calibration. I tried a calibration test but the v-carve shows the issue better than the test. I tried this on a soft maple and buntings setting and getting the same result. I figure this is an elementary problem but I am still very much a newbie to this.
I’m not sure about this one. I haven’t seen that behavior personally. Would you be kind enough to go into the Help>Troubleshooting>Get Help from Inventables inside that Easel file and submit it for review?
If you submit it in the file using that approach it will get to our engineering team and they will be able to see specific data about that file and what happened in the carve to try and determine what the issue is.
I had this issue once, it was a combination of the steps per mm being slightly off and the bit geometry not quite matching the bit selected in the project (although j was using vcarve pro).
Do a search for calibrating steps per mm, measure your z travel and adjust from there…
Looks like a flat tip on the Vbit causing the cut geometry to be wrong.
I had exactly the same issue and I was using a Vbit with a flat tip that wasn’t setup right in Vcarve.
Easel, to my knowledge, doesn’t support flat spot tipped bits properly so you’ll see this.
What bit are you using?
You might also check under the machine menu for the Vbit stepover. Make sure it is set to 1%.
If you’re trying to do flat bottom Vcarving, try two bit operation. Use flat end bit first for pocketing then let Vbit do the final job by cleaning edges at once nicely. Besides, takes much less time to finish the job.
I suspect the v bit angle is not as advertised.
Did you recently change to a different bit?
I had same issue. I tighten everything, belts, zaxis etc. It did get better however still should slightly. I imagine its the stopover setting which I did not test but would make sense.
winner winner chicken dinner
@xfredericox It seems you have encountered a “not as advertised” bit angle before, how did you determine this? Did you purchase or have a tool for this or did you just use a protractor? I ask because I purchased a “lot” of tools online and some are great and some give this result. I would like to find and put in the correct degree rather than just not use them.
just like tool diameter will be off a smidge on cheap cutters, so can be the angle.
From the pic it looks IRL angle is slightly smaller than advertised. You can try and guess an adjustment and see where it gets you. After two or three tries you should be able to close in on a good estimation.
What I also did once is take a really hi-res picture of the v-bit, import it in a CAD program and let it measure the angle. It won’t be perfect, but you might get a result.
You could also pull out a caliper and then apply the law of sines and cosines…
CNCnutz has a video on Youtube showing test carving to find the angle of the bit.
I just close one eye and hold them up to the little preview in the Fusion 360 tool editor.