I am having a bit of trouble getting V-Carve pro to work with my X-Carve. I have downloaded the necessary post processors and loaded them into the applications data folder of V-Carve, but they do not show up in the drop down list when exporting tool paths. I have V-Carve pro Shopbot edition and I think that is my problem because I tried downloading the trial version of V-Carve pro and that works great. I don’t want to spend the money on purchasing V-Carve pro just for the X-Carve. I have been using Easel for most of my projects but I have found V-Carve pro to be much easier for me. Does anyone know how to use V-Carve pro Shopbot edition to export G code for the X-Carve, or have any suggestions for other software that is cheap if not free?
I took a quick look at the data for VCarve Pro for Shopbot. It appears that it’s a special edition at a special price, so it is set up only to work with Shopbot. Contact Vectric and see what they can do for you.
Okay, thanks for the help
Why isn’t there a Vcarve for X-Carve special version? I would be 100% fine with only being able to use the software with the X-Carve.
I Purchase my V Carve Pro from Axiom Precision Company, Price of $ . It was for Axiom CNC Routers. Blah Blah. All I had to do was Put X-Carve Post Processors to Post Processors folder, Boom, listed all the way down on the list. Choosing only once, it stays. It doesn’t allow to put post processor files into My Post processors folder. That is the difference.
Alan, I just visited the Axiom site and saw this. A vacuum hold down method that does not need a vacuum table. I wonder how well it works? It needs a compressed air source to work, but that should not be a problem.
That is the great Company. I’m following this Company for a long Time. First month of 2016 I’m purchasing Axiom AutoRoute 8 Pro, If I can clear Loan procedure.
That looks like a pretty big step up from the X-Carve. I think if I get another machine, I will buy a mini mill and convert it to full CNC. Then I can mill metal with no problems.
This system looks awesome! And it’s not an insane price either! It would be neat to see someone implement this onto their machine.
The Vacuum pucks is something you can make yourself with HDPE. A couple months back I had to make a set of 8 for a specific job.
Pretty simple to make.
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That’s awesome! They didn’t look too complicated, I guess you would just need the valving system and you’re good to go! Do you have any photos of the ones you built?