My design is a pattern, with a circle around it to cut it out. I’m using a detail bit & rough bit, and the detail bit is a v-bit.
My problem is that Easel wants to use the v-bit for the full-depth cut that cuts out the circle, and I can’t seem to force easel to use the rough-out bit for this instead, which means it’s trying to do a full-depth cut using a v-bit that isn’t even able to do that deep of a cut.
Hi James,
To accomplish what you are trying to do, you need to move the outline cut to a separate workpiece and set that workpiece up to use a single bit.
We get this question a lot, and we are looking into possible improvements to the workflow on this.
Thanks Jeff, that’s a big help. I’m sure you’ve heard this request too, but allowing more than a single “rough” and “detail” bit would be extremely beneficial. 3-stage tooling would probably save, at a rough estimate, 25% carving time: Large rough bit, then smaller rough bit, then detail bit. Especially for carved that have both lots of detail and lots of open areas to remove: a .25" bit to do the really rough stuff, then 0.125 for the close-in roughing, and 0.03125 for the final fine detail, etc.
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