Try using a Detail bit in the new design and millimeters. Does not work. Stuck on inches
Using firefox.
Actually, changing size on detail bit changes the main bit instead.
Try using a Detail bit in the new design and millimeters. Does not work. Stuck on inches
Using firefox.
Actually, changing size on detail bit changes the main bit instead.
I’m having the same problem…when trying to enter a detail bit size it is changing the main bit size, and defaulting the detail bit to a smaller bit.
Hi @rodovich,
Is there a chance that the toggle for Inch/mm could be moved?
The reason I ask is the it is currently positioned in the lower left corner and that is also potentially the position of the origin point of the work area. This lower left corner is also the default place for importing SVG files. All of these things could combine to make for some pretty harry UX.
I’ve attached a screenshot with a suggested relocation in red:
NICE!!! but where are the TABS now?
Cant fint it in the new interface!
I’d say Easel is pretty broken at the moment for those of us who use two stage cuts. Please fix, Inventables. See above.
Thanks and great job, I use 0.5 inch vbit 90 ,and no bit like this in easel, is it important to use the same material.
Cannot seem to enter small DOCs at the moment.
Enter a depth of 0.1mm it gets rounded to 0.099999999 etc. Doesn’t give me much confidence.
Resulting gcode is fine however but suspect it’ll drive many people nuts.
Saw the same thing yesterday! Drove me up the wall
me too… maybe not up the wall, but it did feel buggy. esp. that it only happened with some numbers that I entered.
Did a two stage cut today interchanging bit size and worked flawlessly. UI was intuitive.
Question - after Easel completes the rough cut, it returns to the origin but in a ‘raised’ position. In order to change bits, I move the Z axis up with the arrow buttons. However, how do you return the Z axis to the first bit’s cutting position?
The bug is still there.
Thanks - I am currently doing what you mentioned. Problem is when I’m doing lettering and rough cutting the centers of the letters out. I install the detail bit to do the finer outlining of the letters so the location of the Z point is critical since it is finishing the exact same surface area. even being the distance of a sheet of paper thick is noticeable.
All this being said, I could just use a small bit for the entire process, but it increases production time substantially.
Any dev care to comment on this thread? Going to fix what has noted above?
The GUI update really sucked from my point of view… Where is the rollback buggy feature button?
I haven’t used detail cutting yet, but in Machine->advanced->machine inspector, it gives the current machine X,Y,Z. Are you able to get to that window to see those values, and then reset to that ? You might need to re zero the first bit, so that you can figure out the differences in length between the first and second bits, so that you go to the same Z position
The issue with the detail bit width input field changing the main bit width has been fixed.
We’re sorry for the trouble.
That’s a good suggestion. Thanks for pointing this out.
The display issue with decimal precision has also been fixed.
Ok, so found the machine inspector and found where it shows Z height. Pretty cool. Does easel allow you to manually set the Z height? It’s the only program I’m using. This would answer my concern. Or, I suppose I could fuss with the Z arrows and adjust step intervals until it aligns but seems like a roundabout way.
I tried new Easel yesterday and I really like the new interface, but I noticed quite a few bugs!!
Trying to enter 1.0 mm/pass converts to 0.999999999999… mm 1.01 stays 1.01. This problem is the same in other boxes. EDIT: Works now! Great job!
I agree that the mm/inch box should be moved. It’s in the way.
The interface tells me the cut is done when the jobs is not done!! About 10-15 seconds before.
But my BIGGEST problem is that it defaulted to cut the perimeter of my pieces instead of the stuff on the inside, which means I have to rely on the tabs on the perimeter for the rest of the job which is not ideal.
I think this has been resolved. See below.
I believe this is a result in how Easel estimates the percent complete, which someone correct me if I’m wrong, is based on the number of line of G-Code left not specifically th travel distance left.
I agree with this, the G-Code should be created to cut interior features first and then outside features. Right now I think it’s bases the cut order on geometry placement order or possibly layer placement (send back, bring forward), again I could be wrong.