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I have had this issue come up a few times. I would zero the machine, pressed send then craziness ensues… The machine would move from zero to Z-.25" X -5" then Y+2" at 200+ipm. This only happens maybe one out four times, but it is devastating when it happens. Also, this has only happened when Fusion 360 is generating my code.
This is the instruction lines from my gCode that was created from Fusion 360 when using grbl settings in the post processor.
G28 is confusing me, as I am not setting a reference point other then zero. I am thinking either GRBL is not processing this command all the time or its a perimeter that I am somehow setting by mistake in ugs only sometimes…??? I also could be completely wrong and going down some mystery rabbit hole!! I am hoping someone with much more experience can help with this.
Yep. G28 is a command that takes the spindle to a particular location. This value is saved in EEPROM and doesn’t change, even through a power cycle.
UGCS “Return to Zero” uses the G28 command to send the spindle to that location.
You can set the location that you want for G28.
Don’t have to, but good practice to home your machine, jog to the location that you want G28 to go to and enter the command G28.1
That will establish your G28 location. If you have never set this before then your machine goes into lolla land when G28 is encountered in the G-code stream.
I’m kinda getting what you’re saying here, but let me run thru in a prac app, which is blowing up my wood everytime i try to start one.
I have generated 3 files in fusion 360.
Position my machine at the starting point for file 1. Everything carves correctly.
Change bits for the second file and reset my Z Axis (Machine Z doesn’t change - I think this is where it gets ready to self destruct… I don’t want to mess anything up so I only want to reset my z, and leave my xy in the right place)
Run code for 2nd piece. It gouges into the wood sometimes or scrapes across the wood, even if i lift it up to clear.
So, should i move everything to rezero? Is there a way to reset the machine location for Z as well, or should I run G28.1 to get it to reset there, or should i move everything to the zero position xyz and then run the G28.1 command and keep repeating that for each of the files/bit changes.
Thanks. I looked in my GCode, and i don’t see the G28x command anywhere.
File 1:
The G53 Z0. line resets your Machine Zero point for the Z axis. I don’t think you want to do this. You could try taking the G53 line out and see if that fixes the problem.
i am using UGS and grbl v1.1 cnc. i using fusion 360 for cad cam
i am begninner …
I have problem my z axies moves to milling poistion then back to where its start to moving down
My code is…
(T1 D=3.175 CR=0 - ZMIN=-1 - flat end mill)
G90 G94
G28 G91 Z0
I’m not sure I’m understanding your issue, but I think the problem is most likely the lines with G28. Do you have homing switches? Do you know your G28 location? What post processor are you using?