Don’t know if this is just the way things are in UGS (…and I do mean Universal G-Code Sender) but whenever I have our 500mm machine setup to allow homing, I have to unlock UGS because the alarm is going. I may be wrong, it does happen, but I thought that that UGS would use the Limit switches for more than a homing mechanism. If it had worked the way that I thought that it would I would not have a Z axis switch in 12 pieces. I’ve looked for solutions wherever the net has taken me (believe me, I should have come here sooner). I’m glad the switches are inexpensive, because I have crunched 3. If machine had stopped when the switch was tripped, then things would be rosier here…obviously. now it could be that there is some simple setting that needs to be switched or a version upgrade that needs to happen. UGS says it is up to date, but is on an XP laptop.
Any guidance would be helpful and appreciated.