I too had issues with UGS freezing on me when running large files. I downloaded the nightly build of UGS and didn’t run into any further issues. I must add that I rebuilt my computer, adding a new(ish) motherboard with dual processors, increased the RAM from 2GB to 5GB, as well as upgrading the video card. I ran Windows 7 on both set-ups, so no change there. The time between using the nightly build of UGS and upgrading my computer was about 2 weeks…so that was 2 weeks of no issues while running over 400K lines.
stuck on configuring z axis right now I re flashed using GitHub - grbl/grbl: An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino and it just wont configure , I need to configure as I tried using ugcs and it sent the gantry all the way to the other end wich this files does not require
Without looking at the code (well, OK, I did a quick skim to see what serial library it was using), I’d bet money on it being an issue with talking to the serial-over USB stuff. UGS just doesn’t really care much about how many lines there are; it’s just sending them over to the Arduino. The serial port + USB stuff is old, edge-case tech that very few people (comparatively) use or care about.
So…I tried using UGS to send 500k+ lines to the X-carve, and it started freezing again at about 33%. I tried running the project 6 times, and 5 of the 6 times it appeared that it would freeze at the exact same point…on the 3rd or 4th try, it froze at about 15% into the project. And when I say UGS freezes, it’s more like it slows down to a crawl…the machine only moves ever so slight every couple seconds. I have to use Task Manager to kill UGS in order to re-open and reset the machine. I’ve tried several of the nightly builds, but the same issue occurs.
This is the first time it has done this since I started using the nightly build…guess I’ll download bCNC and give that a try.