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anybody else having troubles with UGCS freezing? im running about 538,207 lines of code and it just didn’t seem to like it froze up about 3 minutes in and a couple minutes later continued luckily. it was just freezing and not picking back up. anybody have any thoughts?
I know that UGS does load the entire Gcode file into memory to be sure there is no lag, if there is not sufficient memory available then it may lock up. You may need to try Chillipepper for your large files.
500k lines of gcode is something like 20 meg of actual data. That’s microscopic by modern standards. The default jvm heap size is 1/4 of your physical memory, so if you haven’t changed any jvm settings you’re probably using a heap in the 1-4 gig range.
so when I start my arduino it says its on com 3 though my control panel says its on com 5 now , totally starting to get frustrated. I opened up ugcs and it still controls it but it seems like easel cant find it.
That would be why increasing the heap size does not help. I think the problem is that the internal data structures of UGS are not designed to handle a hundred thousand lines of gcode.
There are really only two other choices that I know of
Chillipepper (there are reports that it fails on large files also)
and Picsender (www.PicEngrave.com - Pic Programs)
Picsender is designed to send very large files so it should work it will just require a little setup. The fellow that owns it (@picengravertoo) is on the forum here and he has been very helpful to others that had problems getting it working.