Hi, I just downloaded the Windows driver, and while installing it (as soon as I double click the .exe file) I get a Trojan warning from Windows 10 defender. I run Win10, enterprise. Anyone else experience this problem?
Hi, I just downloaded the Windows driver, and while installing it (as soon as I double click the .exe file) I get a Trojan warning from Windows 10 defender. I run Win10, enterprise. Anyone else experience this problem?
No problem for me using Windows 10 home and Defender.
I get the same problem. Windows 10 + Defender finds the new driver as a threat and deletes it.
Ditto. Windows 10 + defender. Trojan alert.
I’ve just had the same issue picked up be windows defender, I’ve double checked using another tool that also detects the same trojan. Inventables is distributing a trojan’ed version of the driver. Given the first person reported this 27 days ago it shocking inventables have not taken this version down, and started a full security incident review as to how they started distributing a torjan’ed executable.
I believe this was discussed and it was a false positive. @JeffTalbot can you add?
That is correct. The Easel driver does not have a virus. Some scanners are reporting it as a false positive. You can whitelist the driver in your virus software. We are looking into ways to address the false positives being issued by the scanners.