Doing a 2 stage carve with multiple level text. Some times the bit does not raise and cuts through my work piece.
Please post your video online (youtube), so users don’t have to download.
Is the issue the same as was mentioned here?
I think this starting to spread. Seems to be the same problem everyone else is having. You are going to be busy Neil.
Hi Jacob,
Can you share your Easel project URL?
I added the link to the description, I don’t think we are having the same problem, his looked like he set the 0 for the second tool path, lower than the first
You need to share the project publicly.
File–>Share—>Share with Link—>Save
Noted. Here it is
Based on your video, I’d guess it’s the same issue as the other thread (there’ve been a few).
If you share your gcode, I could look quickly to confirm.
Machine–>Advanced–>Generate Gcode–>Export
You’ll have to files.
Hi @JacobAubuchon, @NeilFerreri1
we could also see the bug you are referring. We are working on it now.
Thank you
Copy of EST (2.4 MB)
Copy of EST (2.6 MB)
both are attached
There ya go! I’m out.
Please note that we have a fix identified. At the moment it is going through the review process. I will update as soon as it is deployed.
Thank you
Thank you Ruwan.
Is the issue in Easel Pro or Standard Easel as well, I have some people asking me a Facebook Community
@JacobAubuchon, That was an issue in Easel Pro.
Thank you
Thanks Ruwan.
Does this fix also fix the issue I reported over the weekend? Jeff was working it.
Do we need to do anything with files that may have been affected by this or just run the project again? I had something similar happen a month back.
@JuanDeLao You can run the project again, and it should work (assuming we are talking about the same issue).