The (un)Official guitar file and Easel project share thread!

@Bill_Leach Thank you so much for sharing these files, Once I have my scaling issues sorted out I hope to contribute back to this amazing community.

I’m Currently downloading Inkscape as I’ve seen a few YouTube videos about “outline” mode and setting your pen width to 0.

Yet again thank you.

It’s the least I could do, I have learned so much from this community and there is so much more to learn that I would feel guilty if I didn’t contribute at least once in a while and besides, IT’S ABOUT GUITARS MAN!
Rock on


Bill, When CNC’ing out the Strat neck and body files you posted, should both be cut out on path? Or should one be an inside cut and the other an outside?

I think it should be clarified that the Strat file listed above is intended to cut a routing TEMPLATE, not CNC an actual body on the machine. i am currently modifying it to actually cut the body. give me a few minutes

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the addition of the neck pocket and depths are in place for the pickup routes, as well as the control cavity/

this is intended for a 1.75" thick body. If you have never tried a 2-sided carve, I would strongly suggest that you make it a hardtail…

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Thanks, I could tell just from looking at it. I’m just looking to try out the neck/pocket relationship for a press fit. Looking forward to your file also…

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I made the neck file just a hair big so you will need to do some sanding on the heal for a nice tight fit.
@ChristopherLathan thanks for converting the template you may want to add a center line for the bridge reference. I couldn’t find a drawing with hard tail locations for my Strat.

I will do that as soon as i get home. I have layouts for the hipshot fixed bridge is could add. Scale line is 7.125" from the neck heel. Center line should be like 6.883 or thereabouts, wherever the center of the neck pocket falls.

Bill, When CNC’ing out the Strat neck and body files you posted, should both be cut out on path? Or should one be an inside cut and the other an outside?

Outside the lines for template and body/neck. Inside the lines obviously for pocketing on anything inside the body like PU and control cavity routes.

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That’s awesome Chris, I had to lay mine out the old fashioned way…thanks

I think I nailed my scaling issues this week and have nearly finished a set of routing templates for a Les Paul JR (double cut), I’ll edit this post when I get home from work and attach the Easel files.


Neck, Cavity cover, Inner pickup route, headstock and a neck side profile (this is to be used more as a guide on for the angled tenon than a template so is optional)

Body 1 (cavity and neck pocket)

Body 2 ( Pickup and cavity)

Scratch plate

Please note all holes are 4mm so I can use a 4mm brad point drill bit to mark them on the working templates which is going to be 18mm MDF.


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I’ve been tinkering with the DCJR too. Had the body stuff done, but I’ve been using hand templates for the pocket and neck, as i build mine to 25.5 scale

Esquire Tele with cocked wah circuit


I’ve been wanting a Junior for a while now and figured my Ideal one is way out of my price range and i refuse to sell any of my other guitars . So why not try and build one? :slight_smile: , I’m also trying to work on a single cut variant too.

Man, that is sweeeet! I too have been thinkin a bout making me a DC! Awesome idea with the Tele hybrid thing, love it! @DeanWood thanks for goin after the DC templates, I am going to build one for sure!

I have files for the single-cut, but a bolt-on neck version that I’ve converter to a Nashville tele hybrid .

Complete with pickguard.


Ok, now how am I supposed to make any Christmas presents when you keep posting all of these guitars I need to build? Oh wait, I know! I’ll just make everybody guitars…but I am sick and do have a hard time letting go…


good job guys!! you are all giving me the itch! I cant build anything right now cause my shop is all torn down and unplugged. :frowning: gotta move it all…

Hi again everybody,

Here is a copy of my routing templates for a Single Cut LP JR. It is based on a 1950’s model hence the “step” on the neck pocket.

I haven’t cut these yet so please take them on with an open mind

I’ve also piled them onto one “sheet” so you can separate them as needed.


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