Would it be better to use tapping tools like this instead of just tapping screws when building the XC? I have seen several inputs here about tapping problems with the screws.
Lenge leve Clas’ern!
That would be “Long Live Clas Ohlson” in English. A tribute to a great store here in Norway.
Because the holes in the maker Slide are to small for the thread forming screws that come with your machine I would highly advise getting a 5m .8 tap and hand taping the holes.
I cheated a bit in that I have a 5m .8 spiral flute tap that I put in a cordless drill set to low and power taped the holes using a little WD40.
Use WD40 even if you hand tap. just be sure to get the tap square with the end of the MS
If you can find 2 flute spiral point 5m .8 taps these are very good because the geometry shoves the chips ahead of the tap.
Hand taps have been used for hundreds of years and cut billions of threads. They will continue to cut threads they are just not designed to use power when tapping with them and I am lazy so when I can I power tap.
Not saying you have to power tap just saying it can be done with the right tap.
I fully understand.