Hi, I try to import to Easel one SVG file saved on Inscape, and Easel show me a screen where show that incompatible…wich softwares SVG are compatible with Easel??
What error are you getting when you import?
Here is a guide for importing SVG’s to Easel. Posting your SVG here can also be useful for getting help.
Oh Thank you my friend…
I figured I would go ahead and post the issue I had when using inkscape
It wasn’t that I was saving as the wrong SVG type or anything like that.
After tracing a bitmap, I think it was grayscale, I deleted the SVG instead of the bitmap and It saved as svg with the bitmap information embedded in the file. Therefore no SVG was actually in the SVG file. Only the bitmap.
Be careful which bmp/svg image you are deleting before saving as SVG.