I’m NEEDING to do some upgrading on my machine… the Z is not stable (probably from worn or not tightenable V-Wheels)… but while I’ve got it all apart, I am thinking about doing the following:
- X axis from 2 to 1 Wide Makerslide.
- Replace all V-Wheels (All axis’s)
- Change from eccentric nuts to eccentric spacers
- Y axis lift plates (Triquetra-cnc.com)
Now what I’m REALLY looking for advice on…
- Should I replace the Acme Screw (pretty sure it or the Nut that comes with it bent during an unplanned bit-dive)… Or should I get the Z carriage replacement that many of you have already gotten?
- Would I get good benefit from replacing both Y’s with Wide Makerslide too?
When I replace the X (and possibly Y) with wide makerslide, are new plates required?
Also, when looking at replacing all of the v-wheel assemblies… the newer instructions call for:
(2) 25312-23 Aluminum Spacer 5.1mm ID 9.5mm OD 9.5mm LG
that go on the Z Carriage… they aren’t listed on the store… any suggestions?