Hi all,
We are exceedingly excited to be adding two Carveys to our middle school Makerspace/Tech Lab. I would love for my students to be able to have their own accounts, especially as it would make it a lot easier for me to keep their work separate and not have to worry about someone accidentally or intentionally changing someone else’s design.
My problem is that it seems like Easel accounts require an email verification step to complete the account registration. Because our kids are middleschoolers, the district has restricted their email accounts to only be able to send/receive mail from within our school domain. This is a non-negotiable for them. Is there any way around the email verification step?
If needed, we’ll just use a lab account and work around any issues, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask.
Could you create separate accounts for them? This would allow you to monitor their account activity, too. Plus, if you are their account administrator, you could view their projects at any time. (Multiple logins into the same account are fine, though issues may arise if you’re both have the same project open at the same time.) Otherwise, I would suggest contacting Inventables. @Zach_Kaplan tends to be very responsive to members in the forum and he may have a suggestion for you.
The Weaver Middle School looks to have created many accounts for their students. It looks like the instructor created many Easel accounts (probably with instructor created Email accounts using the instructor’s name followed by an underscore and then the children’s initials). This would be the Email associated with the Easel login. The instructor does not have to give the students the password to the Email accounts which are the Instructor’s and not the student’s. This keeps the students from being able to use the Email address for sending or receiving emails. Meanwhile, the Easel password can be a different password than the password for the email account. If someone tries to contact the student, the message would end up in the collection of Instructor owned Email accounts. You would need to be careful and respect the terms of use of the Email account provider.
Frankly, it would be much simpler to create an Email address for each Carvey. The students would log in as the Carvey and not as themselves. They really don’t need to all be in Easel at the same time. It would be easier for them to design their projects in something more like Inkscape or Correl and then use SVG imports to create their final GCode.
I have two grade school aged children. When my daughter was in 2nd grade, I let her use my Easel account to design her own wooden Valentines day decorations. If you want some projects that are appropriate for your students, I could probably help you. If you have a 3D printer in your class I’m also “openscaddad” over on Thingiverse.com. There are some small fun projects there.
Ask your Superintendent, Building principal, and district computer administrator if they can add the inventables website to bypass the district MS filter. I bet they can.
It’s not about the filter. There are strict school policies about allowing middle school children to use email accounts not supervised by the school and not sanctioned by the parents. Children can be exploited by electronic contact. They are not aware of the rampant abuse and misrepresentation that occurs through electronic communication.
Thank you all for your suggestions. While it would be easiest to have an account for each student, I don’t think it’s really feasible for me to create 360+ student accounts, plus they would have to be created on one of my personal domains since I have no control over the district domain (phooey!). We’re also a little limited in terms of software we can use as the kids are all on chromebooks. Inkscape, Illustrator, Corel, and most other similar programs are not chromebook friendly. I’m looking at the possibility of using Gravit, but it’s not quite as kid friendly as Easel is.
It looks likely that I’ll end up making an account for each Carvey as that seems the most straightforward option for now. I’ll keep poking around, and l keep you posted if I can come up with a different solution.
Thanks again for all the input, friends!