Steve's Projects



A few more projects


Do you find the Door Knockers sign has the results you were looking for? I’ve about had it with the summer door to door sales pitches this year.

haven’t got it up had surgery on my arm been out of commission hope to have it up soon!

Is there a file floating around for the tool storage tray? I have been putting off making one forever and would love to find a copy out there!

Check out the projects list. I think there are a few of them on there.

Yes got mine out of the project section and tweaked it a bit. I missed on one of the three holes I cut for the Probe. The clip is supposed to stand up not sure what ruler I was using that day!

Some more projects, I have a realtor that is looking for small signs (18"-20") to give to homeowners when they purchase their new home. And a BBQ sign that still needs some attention to detail on my next one I run.



Love the Door Knockers sign!

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A few more projects! The box maker APP is awesome!


A few more projects!


Those are awesome!!

Great work. I especially like the clock, what technique are you using for coloring the numbers and engraving?

No matter how many times I see that “measure twice, cut once” sign, I will never understand why it has two saws and one tape measure. You would think someone would reverse that by now.


For the House Rules and the Clock. Those were prefinished material. The Clock I went to Builders Surplus and picked up a cabinet side panel in cherry for $12 on the clearance rack. So it had cabinet grade finish on it. I used a 90 degree v-bit and 1/8" straight bit to carve it with. Then you have to be quick about it but I spray painted the engraving in the used mineral spirits soaked in rags and wiped the excess paint off. The rags need to be saturated pretty good as the paint starts drying very quickly. The House Rules was a cheap particle board furniture with some sort of vinyl laminate on it. Did the same thing as the clock with it. I went picking on trash day on trash day in the neighbor hood and found a small desk and tore it apart. The other two I used Oramask,.I still struggle a bit with that as the Oramask doesn’t seem to want to cut perfectly clean and wants to tear or fray so I have some touchups to do.

The chevy sign is two sided I couldn’t find the actual file on line so to replicate it I found pieces and parts of clipart on Google and Etsy and in Easil I just created my own version. He is going to seal it up real good and hang it outside his garage

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My wife loves this sign and wants me to make her one. Was this made in Easel or imported in? I am trying to figure out how to make this sign. I haven’t had my cnc that long. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

@WilliamMcinnis which sign are you referring to?

I am in the same boat, wife saw these and said she wants that done, have been recently messing with Easel, and am still learning. Any possibility of you sharing any of your “Welcome Home” Projects?

@MichaelFink I don’t have those files anymore mistakenly deleted them. Haven’t had the need to remake them yet

@MichaelFink search combining problem in the forum, June 30 look for my name pictures on step by step how to make