having some stepper motor problems i bought 4 new 280 oz stepper motors got it all wired up 3 work great except for z axis for some reason it runs then every now and then it will run then lock up and whine but its not consistent im providing a video any help would be greatly appreciated.
i was just holding it down so it wouldnt fall off that doesnt contribute to it not working
Did you try that motor on a different axis?
The feed/acc. rates may be too high for unloaded running.
If you try the Z motor on one of the other drivers (X for instance) is it the same or running good?
If good mount it up and try the feed/acc. again.
i know i nvideo i have it sitting out but i first noticed it when it was hooked up with the z axis doing a dry run.i switched the x axis and z axis and it runs better no jerking seems way slower maybe ineed to change grbl settings on z?not sure why its full speed on z
solved just had to change 112-1800 to 1400