My XCarve cuts just fine, however, when I change bits from roughing bit to detail, the Y axis steppers move at the slightest touch. They used to be almost immovable when power was on. Is this a sign of controller voltage dropping somehow? Perhaps the steppers weaken over time??
Have the 4th dip switch off? From my experience with steppers I’ve never had one almost fail. It either worked or it didnt and was usually a power issue when they didn’t. The torque reduction dip switch I’d make sure is off though and the power idle time(forget the actually $this is) in grbl is 255 if they aren’t already.
If they are I’d probably check the pots with a meter.
Check your $1 GRBL setting.
Do you mean you put down the power when you change the bits in between a two-step carve (one project wit a rough and a fine bit)? If so, that’s the problem. In that case, you should keep power on to keep the position fixed.
ME: “They used to be almost immovable when power was on.”
Thanks for the info guys. Finally got around to it. I changed the setting $1 from $1=0 to $1=255 and it’s much better. The steppers seem to be locked in when power is applied…as they should.
That’s probably exactly what I did. As a result, my carving didn’t turn out very well since my XYZ point got messed up. So…start over.